2 Read the text and tell your classmates how Khreschatyk got its


الس 82%


The Heart of the Capital

Khreschatyk Street is the symbol of Kyiv.. the capital of Ukraine. It became the main street of the city 200 years ago. How has the street got its name? Many years ago there was a val- ley surrounded by a thick forest with a stream across it on the place where Khreschatyk stands nowadays. Kyivan princes used to hunt wild animals in this swampy place. Khreschatyk is a shortened name of Khreschaty Yar (Crossed Valley).

Now, the street is old and young at the same time but only tourists "hunt" here for souvenirs in the stores of the street. Lined up with chestnut trees, Khreschatyk Street looks especially lovely in spring when they are in blossom. You can see a lot of modern and old buildings, fine shops, cosy cafes, fashionable restaurants, mo- dern offices in the street. Streams of cars run along Khreschatyk. Thousands of people travel along its pavements. The street is alive. People live, work, do the shopping, have fun, and rest there.

On Sundays the traffic doesn't run in Khreschatyk Street. It

becomes a walking place. So the families can stroll in the street

with their children. Kids can go skateboarding and roller skating.

Kyivites and visitors of the city enjoy different street shows that

are organized for their entertainment. At night the moon rises over the street adding its silver light to the warm lights of illuminations, advertisements, shop windows and traffic. It's a really beautiful sight. ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ ЛАСКА ЗРОБИТИ ДЗ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ, ПРОЧИТАТИ ТЕКСТ І ВІДПОВІСТИ НА ЗАПИТАННЯ ЯКІ ЗНАХОДЯТЬСЯ НА ФОТОГРАФІЇ!!!! даю 40 балівввв!!!!​



Ответ дал: kuliasdiana


1. Because this street has a lot of souvenirs, lined up chestnut trees, fine shops, cosy cafes, fashionable restaurants.

2. Many years ago it was a valley surrounded by a thick forest with a stream across it.

3.  There lived only animals.

4. She used to hunt wild animals in the swampy place.

5. It came from a shortened name of Khreschaty Yar (Crossed valley).

6. In the nowadays street is lined up with chestnut trees, old buildings, fine shops, cafes.

7. Because chestnut trees blossom in spring.

8. On Sundays th traffic doesn't run.

9. Because kids can go skateboarding and roller skating, or go stroll with their parents.

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