Допоможіть будь ласка
1. Christopher Columbus
A) Didn't decide to become a sailor untill he was an adult
B) First saw the sea when he was 14 years old
C)Lived by the sea when he was a child.
D) Moved to Italy when he was little
2. In Columbus's day. Europeans
A) Didn't know an easy way to get to Asia
B) Sold lots of things to Asia
C) Could reach Asia quickly
D) Could only get to Asia by land
3. Columbus's idea to get to Asia quickly was
A) To sail from Portugal
B) To sail South
C) To use new ships.
D) To sail west
4. Columbus finally crossed the Atlantic with the help of the
A) Spanish king
B) Portuguese king
C) English king
D) French king
5. When Columbus arrived in Americas
A) He didn't know what to call the native people
B) He was sure he was in India
D) There were already people from Europe there.
C) There weren't any people there
6. From the text, we know that Columbus
A) went back to America three times
B) Discovered a new park of Asia
C) Discovered a new way to reach Asia
D) Was a baf explorer because he didn't find Asia



Ответ дал: botagozsulejmenova74

A,A,D,A,A,B надеюсь помогла!

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