1 I remember......... salt to the soup, but I'm not sure if I added pepper. A to add B add C adding D added 2 "Where do you want to eat tonight?" "Let's eat at the vegetarian restaurant, ....... we?" A will B aren't C don't D shall 3 I wish you get up off the sofa and do some exercise! A had B will C would D should 4 "Who bought the tickets for the cup final?" "I'm not sure. It was either Tom ......... Gary." A nor Bor C and D but 5 "Are you going running?" "No, my ankle hurts......... much today." A too B enough C far D very 6 That cough will get worse......... you take some medicine. A if B whether C unless D when 7 Ann is eager ......... the sports club next to her house. A to join B join C for joining D joining 8 "How was your first visit to the new gym?" "OK, but there wasn't about training." A no one B anyone there to give advice C not anyone D everyone 9 If Max had cooked dinner, we takeaway. A didn't order B hadn't ordered C wouldn't have ordered D wasn't ordering 10 ......... you like some green tea, sir?" "Yes, please." A Could B Should C Would D Do 11 "Is there anything for me to eat?" "Help......... to some of Mum's carrot cake." A yourself C itself B herself D myself 12 Henry trains every day......... to be fit for the marathon. A in case B so C in order D so that​


Ответ дал: atamanenkoila



1.D added

2.D shall

3.C would

4.D but

5.B enough

6.C unless

7.A to join

8.B anyone there to give advice

9.C wouldn't have ordered

10.A Could

11.A yourself

12.D so that

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