Read the text and match the paragraphs to the headings. One heading is
A So much to see and do D A Special Place
B Amazing comfort
C Eating well
Last winter I went on a safari holiday with my family. It was an amazing
experience. We stayed in some cabins in the Chobe National Park, in Botswana.
The staff picked us up from the airport, and took us to the cabins in a jeep. It was
a slow and bumpy journey, but it was worth it. The cabins were in a wonderful
location by a huge river where all the animals went to drink. There were places
to sit and look out over the river and watch the animals. It was like nowhere else
in the world.
Every day was full of adventure. We got up early and went on safaris and saw
elephants and giraffes and even lions, and learned all about them from our
knowledgeable guides. We also went on boat tours on the river in the evening
and saw even more animals, not to mention beautiful sunsets. Some days we
spent time sitting outside the cabins, watching the animals living their lives right
in front of us.
But the thing that impressed me the most was dinner time. We ate tasty
traditional dishes every night. Sometimes we
even ate outside and watched the animals. There
were some bugs and mosquitoes so it was a little
bit uncomfortable but it was worth it to be close
to nature!
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Ответ дал: sok867955


I - A Special Place

II - So much to see and do

III - Eating well

Extra heading: B Amazing comfort (there is no paragraph that fits this heading)

serto456: СПАСИБО очень помог
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