Английский язык, помогите решить пожалуйста СРОЧНО!!!



Ответ дал: sakuovagauhar


Ex 8

2 Jane wasn't looking at the painting. She was opening the door.

3 The guide wasn't sitting on a box. He was talking to Ali and Maya

4 Ali and Maya weren't listening to Harry. They were listening to guide

5 Mick wasn't talking a photograph. He was looking at the painting.

6 Mr. West wasn't walking into the room. He was sitting on a bench

7 Mr Brown wasn't listening to the guide. He was talking a photograph

Ex 9

1 Pam was screaming when she saw the stranger in her house.

2 The thieves stolen the painting while the guide wasn't looking.

3 The man in the photo was wearing an old suit and holding a blue umbrella

4 it was snowing heavily as the climbers reached the camp

5 He was walking in the park when he found a set of keys

6 It was stopping raining so the children went out to play

7 The loudspeaker broke while the band was playing their first song

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