Заполните пропуски в предложениях. В задании есть лишние слова.
box-office, float, reviews, lose, overcome, keep, going on, complicated, all-star, make, do, vacuum, putting on, join, skillful, burst, shelter, zero, perform

1) Cindy … into tears when she saw the dogs in the animal …
2) With four little children running around, it’s not always easy for Sarah to … the house tidy and …household chores.
3) Since there is … gravity in space, astronauts have to strap everything down so it doesn’t … away.
4) Though the film has a(an) … cast, it hasn’t received very good …
5) Do you think that robots will ever be able to … more … tasks such as driving or flying a plane?
6) Ann is thinking about … a diet, as she wants to … some weight.



Ответ дал: kirillkatypzik


1) burst, shelter

1) burst, shelter2) keep, do

1) burst, shelter2) keep, do3) zero, float

1) burst, shelter2) keep, do3) zero, float4) all-star, reviews

1) burst, shelter2) keep, do3) zero, float4) all-star, reviews5) perform, skillful

1) burst, shelter2) keep, do3) zero, float4) all-star, reviews5) perform, skillful6) putting on, lose

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