Допоможіть будь ласка, треба до завтра!!!

5 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. A: Hi! Do you have to work this weekend? B: No, 12 3 . I haven't got any work so I do what I want! Why? A: It's my birthday and 14 to stay! Would you like to come? B: Cool! Yes, please. A: Can your sister Elise come too? B: No, I'm afraid she 5 last week and now she help with the housework! A: That's a shame. How long 7 do that for? B: Only for a week. Anyway - 18 19 invite two friends . She was late home to stay home and get to my next lesson. she have to to go now.​



Ответ дал: DenUkrlesson


*Ось радий допомогти)*



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