★★b) Use the phrases from Ex. 3a to complete the sentences. 1 Laura is looking for a beautiful to wear at her brother's wedding. 2 I need to blow up 50 balloons for the party. Have we got a ....... 3 Every year in Paris, a famous takes place called 'Paris Fashion Week'. 4 Mark made his own costume - it's really ......! 5 I'm glad I took a spare because I got wet in the rain and I had to change. 6 I guess a dress made of balloons feels​


Ответ дал: arihacykunova


1) evening dress

2)hand pump

3)fashion show

4) one of a kind

5)set of clothes

6) lighter than air


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nashdrug777: Приает
nashdrug777: Как дела
nashdrug777: Го се*с
mgoat4730: давай
mgoat4730: кидай адрес
mustafazuhanaj619: қотағым жеме
e19802703: а чё я
e19802703: Оля бомба
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