Prepare 2 Work in groups of three. Imagine you live together. Design your ideal house and draw a simple plan of it. Think about ... ● rooms and what you do in them. furniture and what you use it for. any other unusual or luxury items.​


Ответ дал: katyapavlyuk16


As an AI language model, I can give you some ideas for designing your ideal house and drawing a simple plan.

For a house that can accommodate three people, you may want to consider having the following rooms:

Living Room: A spacious room that can be used for entertaining guests and relaxing with your roommates. It can have comfortable sofas, armchairs, coffee tables, and a TV.

Kitchen and Dining Area: A modern kitchen with all the necessary appliances and a dining area that can accommodate all three of you. You can have a dining table, chairs, and a kitchen island or breakfast bar.

Bedrooms: Three separate bedrooms with comfortable beds, closets, and study desks. You can add some decorations or paintings to make them look more personalized.

Bathrooms: At least two bathrooms, one on each floor, with a toilet, sink, and shower. You can also have a bathtub if you prefer.

Study Room: A separate room that can be used as a study or office. It can have a desk, bookshelves, and a comfortable chair.

Entertainment Room: A room that can be used for entertainment purposes, such as playing video games, watching movies, or listening to music. It can have a large TV, comfortable seating, and a sound system.

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