*** Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Where does Dan live? He lives on Sark, an island in the British Isles. 1 Why does Dan think London is a good place to live? 2 Why doesn't Dan like living in cities? 3 How big is Sark? 4 What is special about Sark? 5 What do tourists like doing on Sark? 6 What is Dan interested in? Build your vocabulary​


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1. Dan does not think London is a good place to live.

2. Dan does not like living in cities because he prefers a quieter and more peaceful lifestyle.

3. Sark is a small island, covering an area of about 5.5 square kilometers, with a population of around 500 people.

4. Sark is special because it has a unique and rich history, with no cars and limited technology. The island is known for its beautiful landscape, including stunning cliffs and beaches.

5. Tourists visiting Sark often enjoy exploring the island's natural beauty, hiking, cycling, and visiting historic landmarks such as La Seigneurie Gardens and the Sark Windmill.

6. Dan is interested in nature, history, and the simple way of life that Sark offers. He enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking and exploring the island's unique features.

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