3 1 2 3 4 5 cheaper. Match the their meanings (a-j) below. raise give up goods take advantage of produce a stop b c words/phrases (1-10) to clever 6 7 8 9 10 be in season buy in bulk smart make up landfill site food or other things grown in order to be sold d place where rubbish is buried e breed f form g agricultural products, especially fruits & vegetables h make use of i (of fruit, vegetables) be available and ready to eat j buy large quantities​


Ответ дал: andreyTerry

3- j (buy large quantities)

1- a (raise)

2- h (make use of)

3- i (be in season)

4- g (agricultural products, especially fruits & vegetables)

5- b (stop)

6- to clever

7- buy in bulk

8- smart

9- make up

10- landfill site

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