4 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the correct verb in the box. ask do finish go hate love play.write 1 My friend five different musical instruments. 2 My friends. ten messages every day. 3 She. her homework at the weekend. 41 English. It's my favourite subject. 5 My sister... sports. In her opinion, they're all bad. 6 When school o'clock, we home. 7 My teacher. at four a lot of questions.

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Ответ дал: tkachenkonactya


1. My friend plays five different musical instruments.

2. My friends write ten messages every day.

3. She finishes her homework at the weekend.

4. I love English. It's my favourite subject.

5. My sister hates sports. In her opinion, they're all bad.

6. When school finishes at three o'clock, we go home.

7. My teacher asks a lot of questions at four.

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