2. Write the sentences with the correct tense form:
1) She often (to exhibit) her pictures.
2) Ann (to swim) in the pool now.
3) Mark (to buy) everything we need tomorrow.
4) Dolly (to see) me talking to the coach yesterday.
5) Our boss (to sign) the trade agreement already.
6) Pam and Bob (to ski) all the day last Sunday.
7) They (to move) into a new flat before last Easter.


Ответ дал: dasha11dasha022005


1) She often exhibits her pictures.

2) Ann is swimming in the pool now.

3) Mark will buy everything we need tomorrow.

4) Dolly saw me talking to the coach yesterday.

5) Our boss has signed the trade agreement already.

6) Pam and Bob skied all day last Sunday.

7) They moved into a new flat before last Easter.

Ответ дал: diannna0705
1) exhibits
2) is swimming
3) will buy
4) saw
5) has signed
6) skied
7) had moved
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