Write the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1.He...(come) from Poland two days ago. 2.My friend... (break) the window last week. 3.My mum (paint) the walls in my bedroom. 4.They... (play) two games of chess today. 5. Where ... you (be) for five years? 6.What... she (buy) at the market today? 7.My father ... (not/wash) his car yet. 8. Ann... (not/become) a student yet. 9. When ... the tourists (arrive) yesterday? 10. When ... your friend (get) up last Sunday? II. ...​


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999


1. He came from Poland two days ago. (Past Simple)

2. My friend broke the window last week. (Past Simple)

3. My mum has painted the walls in my bedroom. (Present Perfect)

4. They have played two games of chess today. (Present Perfect)

5. Where have you been for five years? (Present Perfect)

6. What has she bought at the market today? (Present Perfect)

7. My father has not washed his car yet. (Present Perfect)

8. Ann has not become a student yet. (Present Perfect)

9. When did the tourists arrive yesterday? (Past Simple)

10. When did your friend get up last Sunday? (Past Simple)

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