Speaking & Writing 3 a) Imagine you were the clerk in the booking office. Answer the questions. 1 What were you doing when you saw the boy? How did you feel about the boy? 2 3 Why did you invite him behind the counter? 4 What did you do while the boy was waiting?

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Ответ дал: kattywx8

1. As the clerk in the booking office, I was probably attending to customers or organizing paperwork when I saw the boy lingering nervously by the entrance. I may have initially felt slightly concerned or curious about his presence.

2. After noticing the boy, I may have approached him and asked if he needed assistance. Depending on his response, I may have invited him to come behind the counter to speak more privately or to offer a more comfortable place to sit and wait.

3. I may have invited the boy behind the counter as a courtesy to give him a sense of safety and to allow us to speak more privately. Alternatively, there may have been seating or shelter behind the counter that was more suitable for him.

4. While the boy was waiting, I would have continued to attend to other customers, paperwork or other tasks needed for the operation of the booking office. I may have checked on the boy periodically to ensure he was comfortable and well-cared for.

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