6. Describe your favourite tourist attraction in Kyiv. Use the following words and word combinations: to boast, attraction, to contain, mosaics, frescoes, to look like, to be called, to be special.​



Ответ дал: 00paskal

Ответ:My favorite tourist attraction in Kyiv is the Saint Sophia Cathedral. It is a unique attraction that Kyiv can boast about. The cathedral is over 1000 years old and contains remarkable mosaics and frescoes that are well-preserved. The interior of the cathedral looks like a museum with its beautiful paintings, sculptures, and ancient artifacts. The cathedral is also called the "Mother of all Churches" because it was the first one built in Kyiv. What makes it special is its history and cultural significance to the Ukrainian people. Every time I visit Saint Sophia Cathedral, I feel a sense of awe and admiration for its beauty and historical importance.


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