:Складіть свій власний top-5 місць Лондона, які ви б хотіли відвідати.


Ответ дал: rikiPim

Відповідь:first I would like to go to Big Ben. Second to Buckingham Palace. third Ferris wheel. the fourth is Trafalgar Square. the fifth Museum of Natural History.


Ответ дал: gasimovatoma


Of course, I would be happy to name five places in London that I would like to visit:

1. The British Museum is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world, which displays cultural and historical artifacts from around the world.

2. The Tower is a historical fortress that served as a prison, a residence of kings and a place of storage for the royal family's jewels.

3. The National Gallery is one of the largest art museums in Europe, where a collection of paintings from the beginning of the Renaissance to the present is presented.

4. The London Eye is a giant observatory wheel that provides an unparalleled view of the city and the Thames.

5. Kensington Palace - the residence of the royal family with a century-old history, where you can see rooms and exhibits about life

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