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Ответ дал: igogo121314

1. Do you like this cake? I made it myself.

2. Look at that man. He is talking to himself.

3. We don't need any help. We'll do it ourselves.

4. She looked at herself in the mirror.

5. The cat hurt itself when it jumped over the wall.

6. The children can't look after themselves. They are too small.

7. Tim, you have to do the work yourself. I don't have time to help you.

8. The children organized the party themselves.

9. Hello, everybody. Help yourselves to some food. It's on the table.

10. Debra told herself to calm down because she was feeling very nervous.

11. I sent myself some flowers on Valentine's Day because I don't have a boyfriend.

12. Why did Cristiano blame himself when they lost the game?

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