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Circle the correct answer.
o All the way there I knew we(were going to)/ were about to be late.
1 The film was due to / was about to be released in October.
2 He looked as if he was crying / was going to cry at any moment.
3 When they last saw her, she would get / was getting married the following day.
4 The ceremony was to / was about to take place at the palace but they were forced to change the venue.
5 The instant they met, they knew they were due to / were going to be friends.
6 I was going to / was to move to London but decided against the idea
7 We took our seats because the film would / was about to begin
8 Liam was going to buy / was buying a new car but in the end he decided not to
9 I always thought Iwas to / would be famous one day.
10 Hailey was to / was about to go out when the phone rang.
Номер 2.Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the words in the box.
be / about / make be / due / open be / on the point of / cal hope / find hope / have intend / finish intend / pay not be / come not be / due / arrive not plan / go
are not to come
A: You've got school tomorrow so you (o) ....
than ten.
B: Oh, all right.
A: I hear you're expecting a baby. Congratulations!
B: Thank you. My husband (1)........................... girl this time but I don't mind as long as it's healthy. And now there's another baby on the way, we're moving into a bigger house.
A: That's a big decision. Have you seen anywhere you like?
B: Yes. In fact, we (2) .........
........ an offer for a house near where we
Five now.
A: We've been waiting for ages. What time is the bus supposed to be here?
B: I'm afraid it (3)
........for another twenty minutes
A: I'm so cold I (4) ........
............. a taxi. What do vou think?
B: I don't mind. But how (5) .........
..... you...? I don't have
that much money with me
A: What's happening with the new hospital?
B: Well, they sav it (6) likely.
....... next month but I don't think that's
A: I think you're right. I'm sure evervone (7) .......…................................ projects lIKe these on time but they never do.
A: What are you going to do next year when you finish college?
B: Well, (8) .........
...................... a lob. (9) I.……………… to
university for at least another year.


Ответ дал: igogo121314

1. was hoping to

2. are making / are due to make

3. is not due to arrive / will not arrive

4. am about to get / am on the point of getting

5. do you intend to pay

6. is about to open

7. is not going to finish / is not due to finish

8. intend to get

9. hope to go

Complete the conversations:

A: You've got school tomorrow so you (don't plan to) aren't going to stay up later than ten.

B: Oh, all right.


A: I hear you're expecting a baby. Congratulations!

B: Thank you. My husband (is hoping to have) hopes for a girl this time but I don't mind as long as it's healthy. And now there's another baby on the way, we're moving into a bigger house.

A: That's a big decision. Have you seen anywhere you like?

B: Yes. In fact, we (are making / are due to make) an offer for a house near where we live now.

A: We've been waiting for ages. What time is the bus supposed to be here?

B: I'm afraid it (is not due to arrive / will not arrive) for another twenty minutes.

A: I'm so cold I (am about to get / am on the point of getting) a taxi. What do you think?

B: I don't mind. But how (do you intend to pay) are you going to pay...? I don't have that much money with me.

A: What's happening with the new hospital?

B: Well, they say it (is about to open) next month but I don't think that's likely.

A: I think you're right. I'm sure everyone (is not going to finish / is not due to finish) projects like these on time but they never do.

A: What are you going to do next year when you finish college?

B: Well, (I intend to get) a job. (I hope to go) to university for at least another year.

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