Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

virus, memory, save, print, laprop, cut, crash, copy, paste.

1 If you click on ..., the computer will store the data for you.
2 If you click on ..., you will have two versions of something.
3 If you click on ..., the computer will take something out.
4 If you click on ..., it will put in something you wanted to move.
5 If you click on ..., you can get a paper copy.
6 If the computer has a ... because there is a software problem, it could ... .​
7 If your computer is very slow, it may need more ... .
8 If you want to work on a plane or train, you need to use a ... computer.​


Ответ дал: bxsaidkhon20


1. save

2. copy

3. cut

4. paste

5. print

6. crash, crash

7. memory

8. laptop

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