пожалуйста помогите дам 30 баллов​



Ответ дал: igogo121314

1. You don't have to paint the kitchen yellow. You can paint it any color you want.

2. I have to get back to Chicago to attend a conference.

3. You don't have to answer any of Tom's questions if you don't want to.

4. I can't do it alone. You have to help me.

5. Tom doesn't have to study French. He can already speak it quite well.

6. The concert starts at seven. We don't have to be late.

7. Tom doesn't have to impress me. He needs to impress the boss.

8. We can't get through. We have to find another way.

9. You can't change people. They have to change themselves.

10. Mary can't come. She has to take care of her daughter.

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