this before/after two days - come home again. 15. BARBARA'S SATURDAY Barbara wanted to have a really nice Saturday. But everything went wrong. Use the words: drink, wash, take for a walk, sell, go, give, eat in the proper tense. 1. She wanted to wear her favourite jeans. But her grandmother ... them. 2. She wanted to have orange juice for breakfast. But somebody ... 3. After breakfast she tried to buy a "Susie" magazine. But the newsagent *** 4. In the afternoon she decided to visit Kate. But Kate 5. "Perhaps I can play with Bonzo," she thought, but David ... 6. So Barbara went home. She wanted some biscuits. But somebody ... 7. She was very angry and started to read a book which her aunt ... her two years before. It was a great book!​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. She wanted to wear her favourite jeans. But her grandmother had washed them.
  2. She wanted to have orange juice for breakfast. But somebody had drunk it.
  3. After breakfast she tried to buy a "Susie" magazine. But the newsagent had sold out.
  4. In the afternoon she decided to visit Kate. But Kate had gone out.
  5. "Perhaps I can play with Bonzo," she thought, but David had taken him for a walk.
  6. So Barbara went home. She wanted some biscuits. But somebody had eaten them.
  7. She was very angry and started to read a book which her aunt had given her two years before. It was a great book!
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