розповідь про Україну на англійської 12 речень​ дам 60 балов


Ответ дал: aayk


Here are 12 brief sentences about Ukraine:

1. Ukraine is a country located in Eastern Europe.

2. Its capital city is Kiev, which is home to many historic landmarks and museums.

3. Ukraine has a population of around 44 million people.

4. Ukrainian is the official language, but Russian is also widely spoken.

5. The currency used in Ukraine is the hryvnia.

6. Ukraine is known for its beautiful landscapes, including the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea coastline.

7. The country has a rich cultural heritage, with traditional music, dance, and cuisine.

8. Ukraine has a long history, with many different civilizations and empires ruling the land over the centuries.

9. In 1991, Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union and became a sovereign nation.

10. Today, Ukraine is a member of the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

11. The country faces ongoing challenges, including political instability and conflict in the eastern regions.

12. Despite these challenges, Ukraine remains a resilient and dynamic nation with a bright future ahead.

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Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe with a population of over 42 million people. Its capital city is Kyiv, which is located in the north-central part of the country. Ukraine is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and history.

The Ukrainian language is the official language of the country, but Russian is also widely spoken. Ukraine has a diverse population with many different ethnic groups, including Ukrainians, Russians, Crimean Tatars, and others.

Ukraine is rich in natural resources, including fertile soil, natural gas, and coal. Agriculture is a major industry in Ukraine, and the country is known for its production of wheat, corn, and sunflowers.

Ukraine has a long and complex history, including periods of rule by the Kievan Rus, Mongol Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian Empire, Soviet Union, and now as an independent country. Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Ukraine is home to many beautiful and historic cities, including Lviv, Odessa, and Kharkiv. Lviv is known for its well-preserved historic center, with beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets. Odessa is a major port city on the Black Sea, known for its beaches and cultural landmarks. Kharkiv is an important industrial city, with a rich history and many beautiful parks.

Ukraine has a rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and art. Ukrainian folk music is characterized by its use of instruments like the bandura and the kobza. Ukrainian dance is known for its high energy and intricate footwork.

Ukraine is also known for its delicious cuisine, which includes dishes like borscht, varenyky, and salo. Borscht is a soup made from beets and other vegetables, while varenyky are dumplings filled with potatoes, cheese, or meat. Salo is a type of cured pork fat, often eaten with bread and garlic.

Ukraine has faced many challenges in its history, including political turmoil and conflict with Russia. However, the country remains resilient and continues to move forward. Ukrainians are proud of their culture, heritage, and traditions, and are committed to building a brighter future for their country.

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