Task 3. Complete the sentences using the prompts in the box will, won't, might, might not
Task 4. Complete the sentences with will or be going to.​



Ответ дал: kot3f42



Aibek won't play football today. He hurt his leg in the last game and he can't walk at all.

The city might close today. It isn't definite, but look at the snow in the street!

Aisha and Ainur will be hungry after the summing lesson. They always eat everything they get home.

I might not buy buggy jeans again. I know I don't look good in them.

We might not fly to Paris today. It's possible that the airport will be closed because of the bad weather.


1. I'm sorry you're leaving. I hope you will come back and see us soon.

2. The sun shining. It looks like it is going to be a nice day.

3. A: I want to eat pasta in a restaurant tonight.

B: Ok. I am going to take you at 6 o'clock.

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