4. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. a) If you took more exercise, b) Would you go to the party if c) If you smoked a cigarette around me, d) If I didn't have to work tomorrow, e) I'd be extremely happy if f) If I were Prime Minister, g) If I could go anywhere in the world, ​


Ответ дал: omurbekovalmaz74


a) If you exercised more, you would have an athletic appearance and good health.

b) Would you go to a party if my parents let me go.

c) If you were smoking a cigarette next to me, it would be uncomfortable for me to breathe.

d) If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I would finally have a good rest.

e) I would be very happy if my parents were proud of me. f) If I were Prime Minister, I would be an important person in the State.

g) If I could go anywhere in the world, I could find new hobbies.


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