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In pairs, make up and role-play the dialogue discussing the climate and weather in different parts as in the pattern.

Role I. You live in the South of Ukraine. Role II. You live in the North of Ukraine.


A: You have a gorgeous tan, ____! The weather in the South is marvelous, I guess.

B: ...

A: Unfortunately, we don't have such hot and sunny weather in my parts, though the climate is changing all the time. How does the climate in the South differ?

B: ...

A: I see it's typical of all the parts. And what do you think causes a considerable variation in weather condition?

B: ...

A: Agreed. My granny said, some 10 years ago winters were snowy with lots of snowstorms and even blizzards. It was the best season for them. And what do winters look like in the South?


A: And what is a well-loved season in your parts?


A: I see.


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


Role I (South of Ukraine):

A: You have a gorgeous tan, B! The weather in the South is marvelous, I guess.

B: Yes, it's been really sunny and warm lately. Perfect beach weather!

A: Unfortunately, we don't have such hot and sunny weather in my parts, though the climate is changing all the time. How does the climate in the South differ?

B: Well, the summers are really hot and dry here, with temperatures reaching over 30 degrees Celsius. Winters are mild with little to no snow.

A: I see, it's typical of all the parts. And what do you think causes a considerable variation in weather condition?

B: I think it's influenced by various factors like geographic location, proximity to the sea, and global climate patterns.

A: Agreed. My granny said, some 10 years ago winters were snowy with lots of snowstorms and even blizzards. It was the best season for them. And what do winters look like in the South?

B: Winters here are relatively mild with occasional frost and rare snowfall. It's quite different from what it used to be in the past.

A: Interesting. And what is a well-loved season in your parts?

B: Definitely summer! The warm weather and sunny days are perfect for outdoor activities and enjoying the beach.

Role II (North of Ukraine):

A: Brrr, it's chilly here! I envy you living in the North with milder weather.

B: Yes, the weather here is quite different from the South. Winters can be harsh with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures.

A: My granny used to tell me stories about how winters were like that in our region too. But now, it's mostly rain and slush.

B: That's true, climate patterns have changed over the years. It's interesting how weather can vary even within the same country.

A: Definitely. So, how does the climate differ in the North?

B: Summers here are relatively short with mild temperatures, while winters can be quite cold and snowy. We often experience sub-zero temperatures.

A: I see. It must be quite different from the South where it's warm and sunny in the summer.

B: Yes, it's quite a contrast. But every region has its own charm and beauty, despite the weather differences.

A: That's true. So, what's your favorite season in the North?

B: I personally enjoy spring when everything starts to bloom and the weather becomes milder. It's a refreshing change after a long winter.

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