Task 3 (14 points).

Open the brackets with the correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets.

She doesn’t have a car. She __________________________ (cycle) to work.
They want to go on holiday. They _________________________ (stay) in a hotel near the beach.
Tomorrow is Sunday. We _________________________ (sleep) until 11:00.
My brother _________________________ (become) an actor. He wants to go to Hollywood.
Jake and Tina _________________________ (marry) next week.
Look at the cat! It _________________________ (fall) off the tree!
I _________________________ (go) to university next year.


Ответ дал: mamed86
1. She is going to cycle to work
2. They are going to stay in a hotel near the beach
3. We are going to sleep until 11:00
4. My brother is going to be an actor
5. Jake and To e are going to marry next week
6. It is going to fall off the tree !
7. I am going to university next year

Jester17: спасибо
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