Выберите один вариант из трех.
It’s ( boiling/boily/boilingly ) hot today.
Don’t bother her. She’s been feeling ( under/down/with ) the weather since yesterday.
You can spend some of this money but it’s wiser to save something up for a ( rainy/dark/snowy ) day.
I’ve spent two hours planting strawberries in the (scorching/strong/heavy) sun. Of course I am sunburnt!
The news came as a bolt ( out of/from/of ) the blue.
I’m afraid we have to put off our picnic for tomorrow. It’s been ( pouring/howling/whistling) all morning.


Ответ дал: veronikapasko33

It’s boiling hot today.

Don’t bother her. She’s been feeling under the weather since yesterday.

You can spend some of this money but it’s wiser to save something up for a rainy day.

I’ve spent two hours planting strawberries in the scorching sun. Of course I am sunburnt!

The news came as a bolt from the blue.

I’m afraid we have to put off our picnic for tomorrow. It’s been pouring all morning.

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