1. Fill in the blank with the correct determiners (both, whole, every, neither nor, either or, each, all): 11₂ The student is required to bring their own laptop to class. house on the block has a garden. class was confused by the instructions. of the students have already completed the assignment. the mother and father were present at the parent-teacher conference. the bus nor the train arrived on time. You can choose the chocolate cake or the vanilla cake.​


Ответ дал: acountznanija1


The student is required to bring their own laptop to class.

Every house on the block has a garden.

The whole class was confused by the instructions.

All of the students have already completed the assignment.

Both the mother and father were present at the parent-teacher conference.

Neither the bus nor the train arrived on time.

You can choose either the chocolate cake or the vanilla cake.


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