Task 3. Write the 1st type of Conditionals with each sentence: psibal baissol yun Aj sdi lo ay used edt ni leo way you 19m 1. If it (to rain), our game (to stop). ibs qoq tao 2. If he (not to help) me, I (to be) in a very difficult situation. 3. If they (to come) to my place, I (to show) this famous picture. 4. If I (to train more), I (to be) a good footballer. 5. If the tickets (to be) cheaper, I (to watch) more matches. 6. If we (to buy) rackets, we (to have) a game of tennis ​


Ответ дал: kevshik

1. If it rains, our game will stop. ibs qoq tao 2. If he does not help me when I am in a very difficult situation. 3. If they come to me, I will show this famous painting. 4. If I train more, I will be a good football player. 5. If tickets were cheaper, I would watch more matches. 6. If we buy rackets, we will play tennis

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