2 Write sentences with I wish ... or If only.... 0 o I didn't eat breakfast. Now I'm hungry. I wish I'd eaten breakfast. 1 I didn't go to bed early. Now I'm tired. 2 I didn't ask her for her phone number. 3 Only 12 per cent?! I didn't study last weekend. 4 Mum's so angry - Dad forgot her birthday! 5 My friends missed the end of the film. They fell asleep! RULE: To express regret about the past, we can use I wish or If 1 2 + the tense.​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. If only I had gone to bed early, I wouldn't be tired now.
  2. If only I had asked her for her phone number, I could have called her now.
  3. I wish I had studied last weekend, then I would have scored more than 12 per cent.
  4. If only Dad hadn't forgotten Mum's birthday, she wouldn't be so angry now.
  5. I wish my friends hadn't fallen asleep and missed the end of the film.
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