Duration 20 minutes Listening Tasr 1 People are talking about exercise. Listen and check the activities they do or do not do now. 1. Brandon a. swimming b. jogging c. bicycling 2. Alicia a. jogging b. aerobics c. weightlifting 3. Ian a. tennis b. golf c. weightlifting 4. Krystal a. weightlifting b. swimming c. jogging Does Doesn't do​



Ответ дал: Enciannard
1. Brandon - Does swimming and bicycling, doesn't do jogging.
2. Alicia - Does jogging and aerobics, doesn't do weightlifting.
3. Ian - Does golf, doesn't do tennis or weightlifting.
4. Krystal - Does weightlifting and jogging, doesn't do swimming.
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