1 Complete the sentences with the words from the article. Use each word once only. EP 1 She's the best cook on the show. I want her to win the 2 There were eight singers on a small very crowded! 3 We went to see the live show in a very big. 4 He won a talent show four years ago. Now he's a big 5 It was Sometimes the person who comes second, the gets upset when another person wins. for Got Talent and watch 6 I'd love to be in the the show live. 7 The_____________ for some talent shows is money and the chance to make an album. 8 Talent shows often have three and they choose the best person together. 9 Talent shows end with and someone wins. their favourite person by text. 10 People can 11 I think some people like being on talent shows because they are and like being on TV. 12 The of a talent show always looks very surprised - and happy of course.​



Ответ дал: Enciannard
1. competition
2. stage
3. arena
4. celebrity
5. disappointing
6. audience
7. prize
8. judges
9. voting
10. audition
11. ambitious
12. winner

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