ПЖ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО к каждой точке в правиле надо придумать одно предложение их тут 12



Ответ дал: albrant


We use adverbs with:

•verbs (She is answering confidently)

•adjectives (My friend talks really carelessly about me)

•adverbs(My teammates play very fast)


•This wedding was beautifully organized.

•Sadly, she lost the game.


•He speaks in english professionally

•They entered to the hospital cautiously

•She is the best student ever since 2017.

•He is the worst player in our team.


albrant: я не написала последние три точки, сейчас допишу
albrant: •They speak too quickly for me to understand.
albrant: •It is too cold outside to go for a walk.
albrant: •Some vegetables are extremely toxic.
iaroslavstryzhak: А они все по порядку ?
albrant: да
albrant: все по порядку
iaroslavstryzhak: Спасибо
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