g. 3. 1 jectives Read the email. Mark the words in bold as SP (subject pronoun), Op (object pronoun), PA (possessive adjective) or PP (possessive pronoun). Hi Steve! 1) We have a new teacher at college. 2) His name is Mark and 3) he is very cool. 4) I like him a lot. He is 5) my favourite teacher. 6) He sometimes gives 7) us essays to do and 8) his lectures are very interesting! 9) It is very cold here and 10) it rains a lot. At weekends, 11) we sometimes go to Ben's cottage. It's not 12) his. 13) His uncle rents it all year round. 14) It is very cosy and I like 15) it a lot. See you soon. Greg​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1) SP, 2) SP, 3) SP, 4) SP, 5) PA, 6) OP, 7) PP, 8) PA, 9) SP, 10) SP, 11) SP, 12) PA, 13) PP, 14) PA, 15) OP

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