Revise vocabulary for the unit Neighbourhood​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  • Community: a group of people who live in the same area and share common interests or characteristics.

  • Residential: relating to housing or living accommodation.

  • Suburban: relating to a residential area on the outskirts of a city.

  • Urban: relating to a city or densely populated area.

  • Rural: relating to the countryside or farming areas.

  • Neighborhood: a local area or district where people live.

  • Resident: a person who lives in a particular place.

  • Property: a piece of land or real estate that is owned.

  • Amenities: facilities provided for public use, such as parks, libraries, or sports centers.

  • Commute: to travel regularly between home and work or school.

  • Infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, such as roads, bridges, and water supply systems.

  • Public transportation: means of transport that are available to the general public, such as buses, trains, or trams.

  • Safety: the condition of being protected from danger or harm.

  • Diversity: the state of having people from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds living in the same community.

  • Gentrification: the process of renovating and improving a neighborhood, often leading to an influx of wealthier residents and higher property values.
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