insert words instead of spaces/numbers
Wales is a pretty cool country to live in. It's a country that is a part of 1) sharing its 2) with England. The greater part of it is 3) The country is known for Mount 4), which looks very peaceful and beautiful. Cardiff, the modern 5)_ of Wales, is an industrial city. The national languages in Wales are the 6) St David is the 8) saint of Wales. It is known that he became a priest and founded many monasteries. He and his monks 9) a very simple life living off only leeks and 10) .Strict dieters today have nothing on St David. On 1" March, St David's Day, patriotic Welsh people wear a leek or a 11) both 12) of Wales. The flag of
tours. language, There are a lot of places to visit there. But it isn't really 14) to see. With plenty to 15)- from the extraordinary Dan-yr Ogof 16) magnificent 17) Castle- "the land of 18) has something to everyone. You can
experience The National Coal 19) Museum: visit the galleries, playground, café and
more. Don't 18) to have warm clothes and 20) on when going down the
You will enjoy the country's landmarks. It is definitely 22)
to recommend what
to the
which is spoken widely, especially in the North of the country, and 7)
Wales, with its red 13) , is one of the oldest in the world.
underground 21)


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