Read the text and choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each space. AFTER SCHOOL

When you’re (1) at school, it’s difficult to know what you’d like to do in life. What should your next step be after you leave school? Lots of people decide to carry (2) studying, so they go to university and try to get a degree. Other people think it’s better to get some life (3) fi rst. So they go on a gap year and do some travelling. It gives them the chance to become more independent and (4) up a bit away from their parents. But then other people just want to get a job and start earning money as (5) as they can. And sometimes, companies will train you (6) you’re working. If you stay, you can become a manager, for example and build your career that way. But whatever you choose to do, it has to be the (7) thing for you. Your school days are just a small part of your lives – you’ll spend (8) years working than studying! So try and choose something that you enjoy and feel you’re good at!

1 a) already b) ever c) yet d) still
2 a) out b) over c) on d) off
3 a) change b) experience c) opportunity d) practice
4 a) grow b) bring c) set d) make
5 a) quick b) long c) soon d) well
6 a) whether b) except c) while d) so
7 a) true b) right c) exact d) real
8 a) more b) many c) much d) most


Ответ дал: BrainGuru

1. still

2. on

3. experience

4. grow

5. soon

6. while

7. right

8. more

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