a) Open the brackets

1)She (watch) a film yesterday.
a) watch b) watches c) watched d) has watched
2)He always (read) morning newspapers.
a) reads b) reading c) was reading d) have read
3)Their children (play) computer games now.
a) is playing b) are playing c) was played d) has been playing
4)They (write) an article from 6 till 7 p.m. yesterday evening.
a) is writing b) write c) will write d) were writing
5)I (listen) to the radio tomorrow.
a) listen b) listening c) will listen d) listened
6)She already (write) the article.
a) have write b) have written c) written d) has written

b) Choose gerund or infinitive

1) I prefer (watch) comedy shows.
2) She likes (listen) to the radio.
3) He is interested in (watch) cartoons.
4) Sandra promised (send) an article.
5) Mike enjoy (read) newspapers.


Ответ дал: roviazurSn


1) A

2) A

3) B

4) D

5) C

6) D


1) watching

2) listening

3) watching

4) promise to

5) reading

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