prefer rivers. er- 1 8- C1. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j). a) a very big hill b) the number of people that live in a particular country 1. A river 2. A coast 3. The sea 4. A mountain 5. Weather 6. Climate 7. A population 8. A valley 9. A resource 10. A map c) the large area of salty water d) the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain and wind e) a drawing of a particular area which shows its main features f) the area where the land meets the sea g) an area of lower land between two lines of moun- tains usually with a river flowing through it h) useful areas of land or minerals such as coal or oil that exist in a country i) a natural flow of water across a country into the sea j) the typical weather conditions of a area oncos particular Use the words from the box given below.​


Ответ дал: adolfzdesjsuka


1. i) a natural flow of water across a country into the sea

2. f) the area where the land meets the sea

3. c) the large area of salty water

4. d) the temperature and other conditions, such as sun, rain, and wind

5. e) a drawing of a particular area which shows its main features

6. j) the typical weather conditions of an area

7. g) an area of lower land between two lines of mountains, usually with a river flowing through it

8. a) a very big hill

9. h) useful areas of land or minerals, such as coal or oil, that exist in a country

10. b) the number of people that live in a particular country


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