Change the sentences according to the pattern

I shortened my skirt yesterday. -I had my skirt shortened yesterday.

1. I must clean my shoes. 2. He corrected his exercises. 3. She made her dress here. 4. I fixed my TV set. 5. We repaired our alarm clock. 6. Did you clean your shoes? 7. Did she make her dresses? 8. Did you mend your socks?​


Ответ дал: tkachenkonactya


1. I must have my shoes cleaned.

2. He had his exercises corrected.

3. She had her dress made here.

4. I had my TV set fixed.

5. We had our alarm clock repaired.

6. Did you have your shoes cleaned?

7. Did she have her dresses made?

8. Did you have your socks mended?

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