ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЬ В passive voice 1) People kill hundreds of rare birds every day. 2) The government closed the plant last year. 3) They will open a new hotel next week. 4) Nobody has opened this room for 2 years. 5) Bad weather ruined the picnic. 6) By the time I came, someone had already cleaned the room. 7) We often discuss problems together. 8) The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder. 9) The hurricane ruined his house. 10) Our managers discuss important matters.​


Ответ дал: acountznanija1


1) Hundreds of rare birds are killed by people every day.

2) The plant was closed by the government last year.

3) A new hotel will be opened next week.

4) This room has not been opened for 2 years.

5) The picnic was ruined by bad weather.

6) By the time I came, the room had already been cleaned by someone.

7) Problems are often discussed by us together.

8) Jimmy has just been arrested by the police on suspicion of murder.

9) His house was ruined by the hurricane.

10) Important matters are discussed by our managers.


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