1. The bridge, (build) last year

2. This novel (write) by Hemingway many years ago.

3. Television, (invent) in 1926.

4. All the trees (cut) down yesterday.

5. Patients (cure) by doctors.

6. The notebooks (break) by the dog all the time.

7. I (invite) to Mary's party last Saturday.

8. The children (teach) by their teachers.

9. The pizzas (make) by my mum every Friday.

10. The garden. (clean) by my brother on Sundays.

nyteu949: 10 баллов*


Ответ дал: blisenko56


The bridge was built last year.

This novel was written by Hemingway many years ago.

Television was invented in 1926.

All the trees were cut down yesterday.

Patients are cured by doctors.

The notebooks are broken by the dog all the time.

I was invited to Mary's party last Saturday.

The children are taught by their teachers.

The pizzas are made by my mum every Friday.

The garden is cleaned by my brother on Sundays.


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