1. 'I need to see Sarah this weekend.' ⇒ George said that ______.
a. he needed to see Sarah this weekend
b. he was needing to see Sarah that weekend
c. he needed to see Sarah that weekend

2. 'I'm reading now.' ⇒ Sally told me ______.
a. that she was reading at that moment
b. that she read now
c. that she was reading now

3. 'I haven't seen Barbara since last year.' ⇒ Brendan told me ______.
a. he didn't see Barbara since last year
b. he hadn't seen Barbara since the year before
c. he hadn't seen Barbara since last year

4. 'Have you signed the contract?' ⇒ Suzan ______ .
a. told me if I had signed the contract
b. asked me whether I had signed the contract
c. said if I signed the contract

5. 'Where did you eat?' ⇒ Sam asked me ______.
a. where I had eaten
b. where had I eaten
c. where did I eat


Ответ дал: prooo7777777


с) a) b) b) a)


1) c. he needed to see Sarah that weekend

2) a. that she was reading at that moment

3) b. he hadn't seen Barbara since the year before

4) b. asked me whether I had signed the contract

5) a. where I had eaten

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