2 ★★ Read the text again. Complete the sentences. Scientists tested chimpanzees and humans. did better in the number 1 The tests. 2 Clark's nutcrackers have got very good their seeds. nearly all of the seeds. things. 3 Clark's nutcrackers 4 The birds 5 We write lists so we don't​


Ответ дал: gl782


2 Scientists tested chimpanzees and humans. Humans did better in the number tests.

3 Clark's nutcrackers have got very good memory for where they hide their seeds.

4 The birds can remember the location of thousands of seeds they hide each year.

5 We write lists so we don't forget things.

eralievaroza88: не поняттный
amichok: Где первое гандон
velevaveronika603: где1
omarovakrom015: Где 1 и 3????
aizara1268: Лол раз нетц думайте и читайте сами
anelzhoraeva459: 1 humans
3 hide
5 forget
Тут надо из текста внимательно вычитать,я сделала как смогла
ozhanov7119: Где 1??
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