16 WHERE IS PAM? Sam's a little boy. He's seven. Pam is a little girl. She's five. Sam and Pam are good friends. Sam likes to play with Pam and Pam likes to play with Sam, too. 1 good [gud]- xшй Pam has got many toys: big and little dolls, nice pup- pies and kittens, funny monkeys, yellow giraffes and ducks and many other toys. Sam hasn't got many toys but he's got very many bal- loons: red and blue, green and yellow, brown and white. Перевод в Past Simple пжпжпжпжпжпжпжпж​ Быстрей


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Where was Pam? Sam was a little boy. He was seven. Pam was a little girl. She was five. Sam and Pam were good friends. Sam liked to play with Pam and Pam liked to play with Sam, too. Pam had many toys: big and little dolls, nice puppies and kittens, funny monkeys, yellow giraffes and ducks, and many other toys. Sam didn't have many toys, but he had very many balloons: red and blue, green and yellow, brown and white.


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