2 1 **Fill in: confine, integrate, detract, distribute, reference, revolutionise, exchange, exercise. We're thinking about the best way to technology into our lessons. 2 Giving all the students tablets will......... the way we teach it will be completely different. 3 Designing apps gives me a chance to my creativity. 4 Let's set up a forum with the other students on our course so that we can ideas. 5 I don't think we should children to the classroom all day. They need regular breaks outside. ******* ...... these worksheets to 6 Can you all the students in the class? 7 It's a good idea to have some notes to ....... during your presentation. 8 Conducting experiments doesn't..... from science lessons - it adds to the value.​


Ответ дал: sklarenkoanna4


Пояснення:1 We’re thinking about the best way to integrate technology into our lessons. 2 Giving all the students tablets will revolutionise the way we teach - it will be completely different. 3 Designing apps gives me a chance to exercise my creativity. 4 Let’s set up a forum with the other students on our course so that we can exchange ideas. 5 I don’t think we should confine children to the classroom all day. They need regular breaks outside. 6 Can you distribute these worksheets to all the students in the class? 7 It’s a good idea to have some notes to reference during your presentation. 8 Conducting experiments doesn’t detract from science lessons - it adds to the value.

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