Complete the text with one word in each gap. In pairs, take it in turns to tell your partner how you get to school.

Sometimes Mum gives me a Mift to school but I usually go² bus. I'm lucky - the dus³ is opposite my house. Sometimes the eight o'clock bus is really busy and I can't get ⁴ it, so l have to wait ⁵ the bus at ten past, but it's OK - I'm never late ⁶ school. The bus takes about twenty minutes and I get ⁷ in Duke Street, next to the school.

(Там де цифри треба вставити слова)​

denissimonov407: ось держи


Ответ дал: denissimonov407



Sometimes Mum gives me a lift to school but I usually go by bus. I'm lucky - the bus stop is opposite my house. Sometimes the eight o'clock bus is really busy and I can't get on it, so l have to wait for the bus at ten past, but it's OK - I'm never late for school. The bus takes about twenty minutes and I get off in Duke Street, next to the school.

SentVorg: ты лучшый/лучшая спасибо!!
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