8. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1. The Prime Minister has visited our town in 2010. The Prime Minister visited our town in 2010.
2. A: "Did you read the book I've lent you yet?" B: "No, I haven't."
3. Perizat has returned from Naryn one week ago.
4. Has Gulnara ever riden a horse?
5. Has Nursultan been at home yesterday night?
6. Our cat has caught a mouse a few minutes ago.
7. The postman didn't brought your parcel last week.
8. There have been a lot of people at Saida's party last week.​


Ответ дал: sakuovagauhar


1 The Prime minister visited our town in 2010

2 Have you read the .,...

3 Perizat returned from Naryn ....

4 Has Gulnara ever ridden a horse

5 Was Nursultan at home....

6 Our cat caught a mouse.....

7 The postman didn't bring.....

8 There were a lot of people

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