1. Створити питальні речення (письмово):
1. You live in a big town. (Where?)

2. He reads many books. (What?)

3. He worked much
yesterday. (When?)

4. She will take this book
from the library tomorrow. (Where?)

5. My brother studied
English last year. (Who?)

6. My friends will go to
the canteen in 2 hours. (When?)

7. Ann and Nick came to Kyiv
last year. (When?)

What? (Що?)

Who? (Хто?)

Which? (Який? або Який?)

Where? (Де? Куди?)

When?( Коли?)


Ответ дал: alinazinoveva1211


Where do you live?

What does he read?

When did he work much?

Where will she take this book from tomorrow?

Who studied English last year?

When will your friends go to the canteen?

When did Ann and Nick come to Kyiv?

What is it?

Who is he?

Which one do you prefer?

Where is the nearest store?

When did you finish your homework?

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